Hair Loss Solutions

Many people think incorrectly that nothing can be done about thinning hair. Salon Rispoli offers multiple choices to help find a solution to your hair loss. Hair Replacement services are designed for individuals that are in advanced stages of hair loss and need to cover an area with additional hair using hairpieces and wigs.

Nutritional Supplements are designed to address the challenge from within the body and Healthy hair and scalp products are a topical solution that offers multiple benefits to restore and maintain hair growth. Powders are recommended for temporary and mild camouflage of a thinning area.

Oftentimes multiple approaches are recommended as a solution to your hair loss. Even clients that presently wear hairpieces are encouraged to keep as much hair as possible for as long as possible. Please understand that no matter the approach, early intervention with at least 6 to 12 months of use are vital for the very best results.